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2 Annual water use summary for Texas by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water): 1974-1999. Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
3 Annual water use summary for the 16 water planning regions by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water): 2000-2014. This report does not include reuse volumes. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
4 Annual water use summary for the 16 water planning regions by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse): 2015 and later. Groundwater; Irrigation; Livestock; Manufacturing; Mining; Municipal; Population; Regional Water Planning Area (RWPA); Reuse; Steam electric power; Surface Water waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
5 Annual water use summary for counties by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water): 1974 - 1999. Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
6 Annual water use summary for counties by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water): 2000-2014. This report does not include reuse volumes. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
7 Annual water use summary for counties by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse): 2015 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
8 Annual water use summary for river basins by water use category and water source (groundwater and surface water): 1974 - 1999. Multiple years can be selected and viewed at once. This is a static historical report. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
9 Annual water use summary for river basins by water use category and water (groundwater and surface water): 2000-2014. This report does not include reuse volumes. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
10 Annual water use summary for river basins by water use category and water source (groundwater, surface water and reuse): 2015 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
11 Annual water use summary for all regional water planning water user group (WUG) utilities including population, intake, sales and gallons per capital daily (GPCD): 2016 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
12 Annual water use summary for individual water planning water user group (WUG) utilities with detailed gallons per capita daily (GCPD) report including population, intake, and buyer and seller reported water volumes: 2016 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
13 Annual water use summary for industry types based on 3-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, including intake, sales and number of surveyed facilities for each industry type: 2000 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
14 Water reuse intake report for all surveyed public water systems and industrial facilities, including both direct and indirect reuse intake volumes, seller (if applicable) and reuse type (landscape, agriculture, industrial and other): 2000 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
15 Annual water reuse intake report for surveyed public water systems and industrial facilities by water planning region, including both direct and indirect reuse intake volumes, seller (if applicable) and reuse type (landscape, agriculture, industrial and other): 2000 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
16 Water use intake report for all surveyed public water systems by water planning region, including geographic information, monthly intake volumes and water source (groundwater, surface water or reuse). waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
17 Water use intake report for all industrial facilities by water planning region, including geographic information, monthly intake volumes and water source (groundwater, surface water or reuse). waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
18 Annual retail water use volumes and connections by use category (single-family, multi-family, commercial, institutional, industrial, agricultural, reuse and unmetered) for all surveyed public water systems: 2016 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
19 Displays the three-year Water Use Survey submittal status (submitted, not submitted or admin incomplete) for all surveyed entities. Admin incomplete indicates that incomplete information was submitted. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
20 Annual historical ground water pumpage summary by water use category, county and aquifer: 1980 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
21 Historical ground water pumpage report for all surveyed public water systems and industrial facilities by county, including pumping type, basin, aquifer and seller (if applicable): 2000 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
32 Provides copies of past Water Use Surveys through a search using survey number: 2000 and later. waterusesurvey@twdb.texas.gov
36 Population projections (2020-2070) for Regions and Counties in the 2021 Regional Water Plans and 2022 State Water Plan County; Population; Projections; Regional Water Planning Area (RWPA) WRPdatarequests@twdb.texas.gov
37 Use this report to search for specific county's population projections (2020-2070) in the 2021 Regional Water Plans and 2022 State Water Plan County; Population; Projections WRPdatarequests@twdb.texas.gov
38 Population projections (2020-2070) by Water User Group and county totals in the 2021 Regional Water Plans and 2022 State Water Plan County; Population; Projections; Water User Group (WUG) WRPdatarequests@twdb.texas.gov
39 Use this report to search for specific Water User Group's population projections (2020-2070) in the 2021 Regional Water Plans and 2022 State Water Plan County; Population; Projections; Regional Water Planning Area (RWPA); Water User Group (WUG) WRPdatarequests@twdb.texas.gov